It has been a long road and we are nowhere near the end. We are currently awaiting a response from a landlord / estate agent about a town centre property that would be absolutely perfect for this project. It is very spacious, close to local transport and has vast frontage BUT it is extremely pricey. The business rates alone are astronomical! I believe in this project and the more people I tell about it, the more I feel it is my duty now to create this space.
I have been dreaming of opening a community hub for about 3 years now and I feel like it is becoming a reality - slowly but surely. The possibilities are endless and the amount of people we will be able to support is incredible.
Family and friends have invested and I am seeking additional funding from other organisations however I keep being advised by various parties to start a GO FUND ME page. I have not done this yet but I am coming round to the idea of giving the community a real stake in the venue.
Watch this space...